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Tonka Rowdy The Garbage Truck Carrier

Tonka Rowdy The Garbage Truck Carrier Feature

  • Easy oversized vehicle
  • The next time you’ve got to move ‘em on out, just load up your carrier
  • Grab the handle and go, go, go
  • Friendly-faced vehicle is also a carrier that can store more than 10 mini vehicles (each sold separately)
  • Carrier comes with CHUCK THE DUMP TRUCK mini vehicle

Tonka Rowdy The Garbage Truck Carrier Overview

When it's time to hit the road, you need a fast and easy way to transport all of your vehicle buddies. Here's your Rowdy the Garbage Truck carrier to save the day. This oversized vehicle also has a door that lifts in back so you can store your Chuck the Dump Truck mini vehicle inside -- and more than nine of his friends. The next time you've got to move 'em on out, just load up your carrier, grab the handle and go, go, go.

  • Age: 18 months and up


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Tonka Rowdy The Garbage Truck Carrier

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