Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam eu est quis enim commodo aliquet. Vestibulum eleifend venenatis massa. Curabitur rutrum accumsan felis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus ut augue eu purus iaculis viverra. Maecenas vehicula dictum diam.

Tonka - T.S. 4000 Front Loader

Tonka - T.S. 4000 Front Loader Overview

Tonka T.S. 4000 Front Loader was designed to dig, dump, and haul. With its large working bucket, deep cleated tires, and heavy-duty steel construction, this solid truck is guaranteed for life and built for endless hours of fun in the sandbox or yard.


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Tonka - T.S. 4000 Front Loader

Tonka - T.S. 4000 Front LoaderTonka - T.S. 4000 Front Loader

Tonka - T.S. 4000 Front Loader

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